Mould, Confined Space and IAQ

SWE can carry out air quality testing and risk assessments for mould, bacteria and other indoor air quality parameters as well as confined space risk assessment and air testing.


The identification and assessment of confined spaces is a vital part of companies and property owners OH&S risk management. A confined space may be major hazard if not identified, assessed and correctly controlled. A confined space is chariterised by:

    Having restricted entry and exit;
    An atmosphere that may contain harmful levels of contaminants such as gases, vapours, fumes and dusts
    An unsafe level of oxygen; or
    A risk of engulfment from solids or liquids (e.g. grains, sand, water, fuel etc.)

SWE can assist your company with the identification, assessment of confined spaces and further specialised services such as the development of entry permit, safe work procedures, stand by persons, gas sampling and monitoring, gas free testing of spaces, assessment and advice in relation to control measures implemented to control the risk of hazards associated with the confined space and work to be carried out within the confined space.


Mould growth on surfaces and airborne spores of mould in the atmosphere is a growing health and safety concern for residential, industrial and commercial properties. Mould and other airborne microorganisms can cause health problems such as infection, allergy, asthma and other airways deceases when present in high concentrations. Mould can also produce mycotoxins that can cause a range of health effects and may be introduced to the body through ingestion, skin exposure and inhalation.
Moulds need sufficient moisture or dampness and a source of organic food to grow and survive at any surface. Moulds typically grow, thrieve and survive in wet areas where with poor ventilation and cleaning such as building cavities, sub floor and in building structures exposed to leaking or stagnant water.
SWE can assist with the building inspection, testing of surfaces and air and assessment of the mould problem to a property. The assessment and the recommendation for the cleaning up or remediation of the mould are carried out with reference to the Australian Mould Guidelines (AMG-2005-2).


The general air quality within office buildings and other buildings is often influenced by factors such as the mechanical ventilation or air conditioned air supplied to the building through its heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC). To verify the quality of the general air within your workplace environment an indoor air quality (IAQ) assessment can be carried out. The IAQ assessment generallyh includes the inspection of air conditioning and ventilation systems and the air supplied or affected by these as well as the physical sampling/measurements of air quality parameters (or indicators) such as:

    Carbon monoxide
    Carbon dioxide
    Volatile organic compounds
    Microbial contamination, bacteria and fungi (mould and yeast)
    Relative humidity

The investigation of specific air quality complaints or concerns with regards unusual high levels of illness among building occupants may also trigger a more in depth IAQ investigation including factors such as symptoms of illness, specific air contaminants such as ozone, solvents, asbestos, petroleum hydrocarbons and a range of other contaminants and factors. The scope of work for a more detailed IAQ assessment is typically established throughout the course of a preliminary or general IAQ assessment and its findings.